Do you believe? I do!
Bigfoot Girl

Bigfoot Evidence

Evidence of Bigfoot
Evidence, evidence, evidence! This word is how a single non-believer in Bigfoot could regain their posture, and believe! Now, of course we all have our differences: I believe, my best friend doesn't. But, I could easily persuade my best friend to believe in Bigfoot, if I only had good enough evidence! Evidence is the key to Bigfoot knowledge. If we can't persuade others to believe in Bigfoot, how can we protect them? Make sure they don't die out? How can we learn more about our lives if a whole species isn't even called a species yet?!
Evidence of Bigfoot includes recordings, culture, sightings, DNA testing, bodies, photos, casts of feet! The list goes on and on. Every person is different, therefore, each individual has different pieces of evidence in mind. One person might think a body would qualify, while another could want to see a Bigfoot face to face at exactly five feet apart in order to believe.
Here is some evidence to look out for. You could have Bigfoot evidence in your own backyard!
*Large footprint, about eighteen inches long. Seven inches wide, give or take. You see five large, human like toes. Bigfoots have a very large out of the ordinary size shoe. Probably a pain at the shoe store!
*Hair sample, with hairs longer than your finger. When you put it up to the light, you see red. It's tested in a lab and the results are an unknown primate. It's a Bigfoot hair.
*A BIGFOOT SIGHTING! Well, you know what a Bigfoot looks like.
Ten feet tall ape man, tons of hair, and an out of this world shoe size!
You might have Bigfoot evidence. Do you?

Weird Noises in the Night...
French, English, German, Italian, Spanish, Bigfoot Speak? What's that? A name for the Bigfoot language, you say? Oh, hello! Today's evidence is Bigfoot communication. Whether you have heard a Bigfoot yourself, you've see one making calls, or you get a recording, Bigfoot communication is very good evidence! Bigfoot Speak is very easy, so don't be worried. Here are the basics for Bigfoot Speak 101!
Bigfoot Speak 101
WOOD KNOCK: A big, strong stick is hit against a big, strong tree. Or, two rocks are hit together to create a crisp, loud knocking noise.
WHOOP: A very loud noise like a howl, and it sounds like the word whoop. WHOOP!!!
WHISTLE: A loud, long, crisp whistle.
LOUD WOMAN SCREAM: A very, very loud scream a woman would make. It's that simple! (P.S.: Boys can scream like a woman too. It isn't weird.)
These are just the basics. But even though so, talking Bigfoot isn't hard! It just takes time, and practice. Soon you will sound just like Bigfoot! Happy making Sasquatch noises!

Matt Moneymaker (ABOVE) from "Finding Bigfoot" making Bigfoot howls.
A Big Bigfoot Family!
Bigfoots are a species, like humans. They also have family, like we do. A species is a type of something, with different kinds of that something that represent each other. Different types of a species is a population, and we're all connected to each other in some way. Like a big family. For the human species, our types are African, Chinese, Black, etc. For the Bigfoot species, they have types like the Yeti, Sasquatch, or the Orang Pendek. They have names, their homes, favorite foods! They all have similarities (and differences) that can be realized to show that they are a species, with similar DNA and genes. Genes are things such as your hair color, or whether you have blue eyes. With all the sightings of Bigfoot-like creatures around the world, there has to be a possibility they exist. Here are some Bigfoot family members!
Name Habitat
Yeti The Himalayas, Nepal
Skunk Ape Florida
Yeren China
Orang Pendek Borneo
The Green Man The United Kingdom (UK)
See? Bigfoot-like creatures live all around the world! If you keep your eyes open, maybe YOU have a Bigfoot-like creature in YOUR backyard! Keep looking: Bigfoot is out there!

A Skunk Ape photo (ABOVE), taken by an unknown woman resident of Florida.
The Indian Tribes of the World:
Their Knowledge of Sasquatch
Bigfoots have been hand-recorded in history since the vikings of Eiriksson, and they have made a big impact on the Native American tribes all around the world. A lot of Native Americans have a culture of a Bigfoot-like creature, including cave paintings, stories, special names for the creature, or when they see a Bigfoot, they are not scared, but blessed. (Feeling blessed can still happen when you see a Bigfoot, you don't have to be part Cherokee. (; )
They all describe a similar creature, and sometimes they have differences between them. All the different tribes have a different story of what the creature is, and what it represents. With all this culture, I doubt anybody is trying to hoax us.
Each tribe deeply knows the creature, and are affected if they see one. A good or bad affect, the culture has been with them since they were kids.
No Native Americans would lie of this, and so we should learn more of their culture. Someone just might become a believer in Bigfoot! I sure hope so, anyway..... (:

A cave painting (ABOVE) showing a baby Bigfoot, a Mommy Bigfoot, and a Daddy Bigfoot. It was said to be painted by a tribe of Native Americans, to show their culture and that they have a rich history of the creature.
People who have seen Bigfoot knows he/she exists. A sighting is one of the best pieces of evidence of Bigfoot ever, since they haven't found a body. YET. Or caught one! YET. They just know when they see the creature he exists. It's just a big feeling like, OMG! They ARE real!
Some people have a pretty big impact seeing the creature, like crying when they talk about the subject, having a heart attack, getting scared, or just feeling very blessed and pumped up. A sighting stays with you for the rest of your life, even if it's only a few seconds. Like when Matt Moneymaker told the Finding Bigfoot team of his encounter, "They don't know that they do exist, because they have never seen the creature(s)."
People who have seen Bigfoot can't be persuaded to be told otherwise, because they know that he/she IS real (Actually, some CAN. I haven't seen a Bigfoot, and I still believe!). Saying you saw a six foot tall ape man with tons of body hair just sounds bogus. But once you actually see one, then you know. People haven't seen how hairy they are. They haven't smelled the foul stench, or heard the loud howls. They have only heard stories. Myths, even.
And for those who believe, I'm proud YOU know Bigfoots exist. And we must persuade other people to believe, because not enough people watch out for these creatures. We could study them, and make sure they don't die out. Do me a favor: Make others know!

A boy (ABOVE) who had an encounter with a Bigfoot, and told the tale on the show, "Finding Bigfoot".
DNA Testing! Hair, Blood, and Scat! (OH MY!)
Bigfoot hair, blood, or scat are some of the many pieces of Bigfoot evidence, for many reasons. One word: DNA. If you test hair, blood, or scat in a lab, the DNA results could lead to the discovery of a whole new species! Even though the results of supposive Bigfoot hair, blood, or scat might not always be taged "Bigfoot", we still have traits we can follow. Today, though, we're just going to talk about Bigfoot hair DNA. Here are some of the traits:
Holding a supposive Bigfoot hair up to the light shows a shade of red. Also, if you bring the hair to the lab, the results could have no results. That means that the DNA of the hair was so broken down, that they couldn't figure out what type of animal's hair it is. Broken down DNA is what happens when you live in the wild for your whole life. But, if the DNA isn't too broken down too much, the results of a supposive Bigfoot hair could be "an unknown primate". Research shows that Bigfoots are part ape (apes and man are primates), part man. These are just some of the traits Bigfoot researchers can follow with supposive Bigfoot hair DNA, even without exact scientific results. In your face, smart people of the world! (Personally, though, I only mean the skeptics and scientists who don't believe. I don't mean to be offensive!)
If you ever believe you have Bigfoot hair(s), talk to your parents/guardians about putting them in a lab for DNA testing, even though they might think you're crazy. You could have a Bigfoot hair in your house right this moment!

The Finding Bigfoot team (ABOVE) in a lab testing
what they believe to be Bigfoot hair.
What Happens When They Find a Body?
Many Bigfoot researchers have asked this question, but nobody really knows for sure what will happen when a REAL Bigfoot body is found. We will only know when it happens. It could be the discovery of a lifetime (good), or it could change how Bigfoots live. FOREVER! (Very bad, because they could be put in zoos, or WORSE!)
If I found a Bigfoot body, there is a lot of things I would do. For one thing, I wouldn't sell it or put it in a museum. Another thing, I would try to make sure that Bigfoots would have their own law. No hunting Bigfoots, or putting them in zoos. It could not only harm the Bigfoots, but humans as well! See, I could make a law, because if you got a Bigfoot body, I don't think anybody could ignore Bigfoot is now a real species. It's just all like, 'Oh, you have a body! So what? It's not real evidence!' Yeah, no. Finally, I would try to persuade the govnerment to spend more money on research for Bigfoots, if I only had that kind of power. That would be pretty cool to have that much power... and money!
Then again, we might have a CAST of a Bigfoot body! On September 22, 2000, the cast of what might be part of a Bigfoot's body was taken from the ground in the Skookum Meadows area of the Gifford National Forest in Washington state. It is called the Skookum Body cast. Many people including Jeff Meldrum have studyed it, hoping to make the discovery of a lifetime! I sure hope they do!!!!!

The legendary Skookum Body cast found by the B.F.R.O. (ABOVE). A cast that is said to be a Bigfoot body casted out of the ground! Cool, huh?!
Scat! Doo-doo! Dung! POOOOOOOOP!!!
We all go to the restroom at least once a day, it's a normal thing. But, Bigfoots don't have toliets! Or toliet paper, for that matter! Or showers, shampoo, or deodorant! How will they survive?! Let's find out!
When some suppposive Bigfoot scat is found, this is what it looks like:
* A HUGE!!! pile of dung, with
* the nastiest smell you could never imagine,
* with bits of not only plants, but also MEAT! Bigfoots are omnivores. And, to
top it all off, *a big(foot) assortment of flies and bugs flying around the pile.
When you send the poop to a labortory, here is how you handle it with care:
1. Grag plastic gloves, a large plastic bag, a mask and some tongs.
2. Next, put on the plastic gloves and use the tongs to grab the poop and place it in the plastic bag. If you do not have a mask, just try not to breathe in the toxic Bigfoot poop odor.
3. Send to a lab for further results of maybe your bag of poop being a Bigfoot's dung pile! And, if not, well, you just handled another animal's poop, which was NOT for science. But, beside that... The discovery of the century! Breaking news: We have evidence of Bigfoot! It's supposed to be our buisness to find evidence of Bigfoot, but this business is his own! (Get it? Poop, business?)
In conclusion, I hope you have a great sense of humor for poop, and that you look for some comicly large piles of dung in your backyard! It could be Bigfoot evidence.
P.S: I don't think of Bigfoot as a big joke, I take my work very seriously. But, I do make big jokes about poop! I mean, who doesn't? Poop is HILARIOUS! (:

Photos of Sasquatch!
Hello, everybody! Today we are going to talk about the one topic of evidence that EVERYONE says they have: Photos of Sasquatch!
Some Bigfoot photos aren't real, but are created by hoaxers, believe it or not. Here is the Bigfoot Dictionary meaning:
Hoaxers- adjective: The name of a person who ON PURPOSE tries to create a Bigfoot photo. But, the botoom line is: THE PHOTO ISN'T REAL!!!
Now, these people might not sound that bad, but they are. A lot of times people will call bigfooters (example: Finding Bigfoot team. Yeah, that's happened on the show!) and try to convince them that they have a real Bigfoot photo. It's not only rude (A. THEY LIE ABOUT A BIGFOOT ENCOUNTER! and B. They think it's funny to make a joke about Sasquatch!), but it lies about the REAL truth of Bigfoot! Who does that?! DUH, TONS of people! You might think everybody is nice about Bigfoot, but let's just say... NOT!
It really upsets me that bigfooters are being used, just for the sake of a joke! Faking Bigfoot photos is just plain mean! But, not everybody does that. Take the Patterson/Gimlin Film, for example.
Once upon a Bigfoot, Roger Patterson and Bob Gimlin, both Bigfoot researchers, go out looking for Bigfoot in Bluff Creek, California. Suddenly, they both see it: A BIGFOOT! Roger grabs his camera, and turns it on. The film is only one minute, but a very nice minute at that. The creature is seven feet tall (Many have said it is six, but I could be wrong.) and the video shows evidence including muscles that proves it is not a man in a costume.
See? Now, THIS is a photo! Now, the whole story might have been of them filming a Bigfoot, but you can also find the photos on the Internet. It is no costume, no bear, and no misidentification! What else could it be, but a real live, seven feet tall female Sasquatch taking a stroll in Bluff Creek, California!
Bigfooters, keep looking for Bigfoot, and people who might try to hoax a Bigfoot photo! Bust them, make them pay! They messsed with the wrong bigfooter! And just remember: It's always best to have a camera on hand! I mean, who knows? Maybe YOU will get a Photo of Sasquatch!

A REAL Bigfoot photo (Patterson/Gimlin Film).

A FAKE Bigfoot photo (Some guy in a Bigfoot suit). But, like I couldn't tell! Yes, I could. Everybody could!!!!!
History of Animals! (Besides Bigfoot, that is.)
Bigfooters of all ages! I have a question for you today...
Do you love animals? If you do, this Bigfoot evidence is right for you! Alright, to the evidence!
There has always been a debate between scientists, Bigfoot researchers, skeptics, and Bigfoot believers about what Bigfoot is. Some say he is part ape part man... Some say he's a alien! Others say he is a new type of animal that hasn't been discovered yet. A primate, to be exact! That is only a few hypotheses for Bigfoot, there are many more. I think that some of these hypotheses are correct, but I'm not saying some of the others aren't correct, either. If they are, it can explain a lot about what, or who Bigfoot really is... scientificly. Listen close, scientists like Ranae Holland. It's about to get interesting! (:
For one thing, Bigfoot is said to be the ancestor of a now extinct giant ape called Gigantopithecus Blacki, which is a giant ape species that actually has hard evidence to prove that they once actually did exist. Who says Gigantopithecus Blacki didn't go fully extinct, and that maybe a new species wasn't formed? Also, Bigfoots and Gigantopithecus Blacki have many things in common. Height (example: 10 ft tall), weight, amount of hair! And that's only a few similarities.
Another thing, new animals are being discovered everyday. Here are a few animals people thought didn't exist, but actually DID:
The Kraken- Sailors had stories of a supposive giant squid that could sink a ship. They also said that the Kraken could be the size of a floating island. Of course, no one believed a squid that size could exist and not be discovered. YET. In 2004, scientists finally took the first pictures of a living, fully-grown giant squid. And just two years later, researchers were able to capture film of one moving! I guess giant calamari isn't so fiction after all! Pass the tar tar sauce, please! (Actually, I put KETCHUP on my calamari. Ha!)
Coelacanth- This fishy was thought to be extinct for about 65 MILLION YEARS, give or take. But in 1938, it was found on the east coast of South Africa. They weigh about 176 pounds on average and can be as long as 6.5 feet (Though there's one account of a 15- footer. Hey, we're talking twelve foot tall apes! It's not THAT strange.) Coelacanth have since popped up in waters near Tanzania and Indonesia, among other places, proving that some species still exist, even when we've written them off for millions of years. Yeah, writing them off for a million years when they're actually real really makes you wonder if you can trust the people who make that kind of thing official. Hm...
Komodo Dragons- Though they're a staple at many zoos these days, Komodo dragons were thought to be completely mythical for many centuries. Not because of the "dragon" moniker (Which I think is weird because if they did not believe they were real because of a name, that would just be weird. Ya know? 'Oh, no! It's the elusive 500-pound Bertha!'), but because people were describing it as a "land crocodile". (I also think that is kind of weird. Crocs go on land, right?) It wasn't until 1912 that a photo and a preserved skin proved their existence. Zoologists sent out on an expedition to find out more in 1926, and they returned with 12 carcasses and 2 live ones. They might not breathe fire, but these dragons are still pretty hot.
In conclusion, you can see that other animals in the world, extinct or not, can really help Bigfoot be proven to exist. Go Animal Kingdom! And puppies, hamsters, kittens, Bigfoots, Krakens, Coelacanth, and other awesome animals! (:
Big Feet!
The Book of Bigfoot! The Science of Sasquatch! The Yes of Yetis! Bigfooters, what one thing makes Sasquatch what it really is? What sparks that adventure we have inside for studying the creature? What is so BIG for this creature? ITS FEET!!!
Bigfoot has big feet. Shocking! Now, besides a pain at the shoe store, these big feet are very good evidence for Bigfoot! How? Let me tell you how!
For one thing, photos with scale items. Picture this: You're walking in the woods, when BAM! You see this GIGANTIC footprint in the mud. What should you do? Well, scale items are pretty simple. You just put something beside the footprint so people who see the photo, they can get an idea of how big the print really is. Then, you just snap a picture! Try to make sure it's in focus: Bigfoots get enough complaints about blurry photos! (:
Another thing, footprint casts. A lot of bigfooters make sure to carry around with them a special liquid called plaster. Plaster is a liquid that you can pour into a mold, and it will harden. In this case, you pour plaster into a Bigfoot footprint in the ground, and when it hardens, you can take the footprint out of the ground and clean it and keep it forever. The size and characteristics of the cast prove that it is the footprint of a Bigfoot. And if you have a footprint of a Bigfoot, Bigfoot must exist to have made the footprint.
In conclusion, Bigfoot's big feet are some of the best evidence for Sasquatch. Not only are they very interesting feet, but they could only belong to one creature: Bigfoot.

A Kraken next to a boat (ABOVE). Isn't that guy humongo, or what?!

A real live Coelacanth swimming in the ocean with a diver (ABOVE). I never realized how big a Coelacanth could be!

A real live non-fire breathing Komodo dragon (ABOVE). RAWR!

Thanks for reading my Bigfoot evidence!