Do you believe? I do!
Bigfoot Girl


2016 is a new year, and the second year of Bigfoot Girl being launched! I hope everybody enjoys my website as much as I do, and that you find it in your hearts to come back! Here at Bigfoot Girl, I tell you about Bigfoot, Bigfoot, Bigfoot, Bigfoot! Here is this year's news, and some of the 2015 news:
2015 News
* Want to tell a Bigfoot researcher about your Bigfoot encounter (namely, me)? Now you can! All you have to do is go to my Contact and I will do the rest.
* Welcome to Bigfoot Girl!
* Interview with my brother, Ethan, at my Blog!
* Meet the Finding Bigfoot team and find out why they're my heroes at Finding Bigfoot.
* Learn things about my amazing life at About Me.
* Learn about the famous Jane Goodall and her connection with Bigfoot at my Blog.
* Check out my cool Bigfoot game in my Blog.
* Test your smarts at Bigfoot Trivia at my amazing Blog!
* An interview with my father at my Blog!
* Learn all about National Sasquatch Awareness Day at my Blog.
* Check out an interview with my mother at my Blog!
*Listen up skeptics, non-believers, and Ranae Holland! Go to my Evidence page, and you will learn Bigfoot is real! (To be exact, the "History of Animals" part.)
*Check out the Halloween Sasquatch BOOtacular at my Blog!
*1 year at Bigfoot Girl! (:
*An interview with one of my viewers at my Blog !
*An interview with my science teacher Mr. Christopher at my Blog!
2016 News
*Second year at Bigfoot Girl... what to expect! (Blog)
*USA VS Canada: The Bigfootyest State Contest at my Blog
*The new Bigfoot movie 'Pottersville' to be filmed in New York state. Learn more at my Blog!
*Jack Link's Beef Jerky Awesomeness at my Blog
*Cigarettes and how they affect Bigfoots at my Blog!
*An interview with my sister Rachel at my Blog!
*Learn about Cliff Barackman the Bigfoot Nerd at my Blog!
* An interview with my sister Rachel at my Blog!
*Take the "What Finding Bigfoot team member are you?" quiz at Finding Bigfoot!
* Check out my fab Bigfoot Journals at my Blog!
* Lego Bigfoot, Yeti, and Sasquatch sets and figures! Where to find them, though? Let's find out at my Blog!
* "Colorado Sparks Debate on Bigfoot's Existence" article curtosity of my great father at my Blog.