Do you believe? I do!
Bigfoot Girl

"Finding Bigfoot" is a show on the channel Animal Planet, which is Sundays at 10pm. On Finding Bigfoot you get to join the hilarious crew of Matt Moneymaker, Ranae Holland, Cliff Barackman, and James "Bobo" Fay on their crazy adventures out in the wild, searching for Bigfoot.
The show is funny, not too strict, the team is an awesome crew, and it gets better each year. The show is just so awesome! That show introduced me to Bigfoot, which ended up making me do this website. You have to give the team some credit. So, get to know them better!
You can visit their website by going to Animal Planet.com.

Meet the Cast of Finding Bigfoot...
NAME: Ranae Holland
JOB: Research Biologist
BELIEVER? Unfortunately, no. BOOOOO, Ranae! Believer? No way! Big skeptic! WHEN WILL YOU BELIEVE?!
FUN FACT: Ranae's enjoyment of Bigfoot started when she was a little girl, watching Bigfoot movies with her dad.

NAME: James "Bobo" Fay
JOB: Expert Field Caller, Bigfoot Fanatic
BELIEVER? Yes!!! He sometimes says Bigfoot likes what he likes. (He isn't wrong.)
FUN FACT: In every behind the scenes episode, Bobo always does something with food.

NAME: Cliff Barackman
JOB: Evidence Analyst
BELIEVER? Yes!!! A Bigfoot nerd at heart!
FUN FACT: Cliff has over 35 Bigfoot footprint casts he cast himself!

Why Is The Finding Bigfoot team My Heroes?
NAME: Matt Moneymaker
JOB: B.F.R.O. founder
BELIEVER? Of course! You gotta believe in Bigfoot to be the founder of something like the Bigfoot Field Researchers Orginazation.
FUN FACT: Matt was the first person to record the long moaning howl of a big male Sasquatch, the "Ohio Howl".

Well, I've got quite a few answers for this, so I hope you have the time.
For one thing, I've never had any other heroes, until 2015 when I became addicted to the 1960s "Batman" series, making Adam West, Burt Ward, and a lot of other actors on the show my heroes as well. Besides, when you're a kid you say things like your dream job, but you are not serious. One day you might want to be a firefighter, and the next you might want to be a chef. But as you get older, eventually you become serious with making that choice. Same with your heroes. When you're younger your hero might be your favorite cartoon character, but you might not want to stick with that forever. Also, some people might like a certain band or singer! Well, I like all music. There really isn't anybody in particular I like, so that's out. But when I became interested in Bigfoot, I didn't just become interested. I became OBSESSED! I also really grew to like the show Fnding Bigfoot after watching one show. They became the perfect option for heroes! A weird option, but a perfect one. Same with Burt Ward and Adam West, and their show. Finally, your heroes might have a job you want to have when you're older. That's the deal with me! Bobo, Cliff, and Matt are all Bigfoot researchers, and as you know that is my dream job. With being a Bigfoot author too, of course. Also, I want to be a superhero when I'm older, too! (;
Another thing, I really look up to the Finding Bigfoot team. Take Matt. He's a great leader for the B.F.R.O., since his leadership skills are so amazing. He is also very smart, great under pressure, and he is loving (The guy has kids!). Now, Cliff. He is weird, sciency, fun, funny, kind, and a great fellow Bigfoot nerd. Bobes time! Bobo is funny, creative, a real bigfooter at heart, and he loves food just as much as I do! Finally, Ranae. She might be a skeptic, but she's also a girl (The only one on the team.), a great friend, happy, funny, and I can relate to her life. She might be a skeptic, but she still watched Bigfoot movies and shows with her dad! I do the same. Me, too, Ranae! We're fellow girl Bigfoot lovers.
Finally, the Finding Bigfoot team are just a great bunch! Out of all other Bigfoot shows, I would recommend this one. Why? Well, you don't just look at the Bigfoot parts in a Bigfoot show. You also look at the cast, and what they do with the show! The Finding Bigfoot team are nice, not boring or strict, they provide good evidence, and they really add a fun twist to looking for Bigfoot that you can only find on their show!
In conclusion, this is why the Finding Bigfoot team are my heroes. They might not be YOUR heroes, but still watch their show. And, choose your heroes wisely. Band or Bigfoot, I bet you have great heroes!
Quiz: What "Finding Bigfoot" team member are you?*
1. What is one of your favorite activities to do in your free time?
A. Research animals
B. Cooking- and eating!
C. Play some sweet jams on my guitar
D. Organize meetings for my club!

4. If the evidence for Bigfoot that proved they were real emerged, what would be your reaction?
A. "I always wanted to believe, but the evidence was never there... Until now!"
B. "In your face, skeptics!"
C. "I never saw one, but I always believed."
D. "I KNEW I SAW ONE!!!!!!"

2. In your opinion, do you believe in Bigfoot?
A. Without good evidence, I can't say Bigfoot exists
B. Bigfoot and I are so alike, we could be twins!
C. Reading enough books on the subject, I know they're out there

3. What do you think is the best piece of evidence for Bigfoot?
A. A body (alive or dead)
B. A sighting!
C. The enormous feet castings
D. The eyewitnesses

5. What, in your opinion, is your personality?
A. Smart
B. Hilarious!
C. Nerdy!
D. Hardworking

6. How did you start to make your Bigfoot craze of believin'?
A. Watching Bigfoot movies with my dad.
B. As long as I can remember! (It's a family thing)
C. Reading books from my local library
D. 1970s documentries!*
*These are not MOVIES! There is a difference!*

*Answers may vary. You may be half of one member, and half of another. Or, you might think you're someone else. Please don't get mad at your answer! Thank you.*
Mostly As, you are
You love to research and learn about the world around you, but you can only believe in something like Bigfoot with the right evidence. You are a skeptic. But, the idea of a creature like Bigfoot existing is still something you love. Watching Bigfoot movies is one of your favorite activities, and you secretly hope for the right evidence to support Bigfoot is real will show up someday.
Mostly Cs, you are
You are very nerdy, and one of your favorite things to do is play music. You also love to read, sing, and hang out with animals! Finally, in a good way you are not normal, since you love to study feet. Specifically, Bigfoot feet.
Mostly Bs, you are
You love to cook and eat food, hang out with dogs, and share jokes or make people laugh. You also believe in not just Bigfoot, but that Bigfoot and you are very alike. You're cheerful, and you always make everybody smile wherever you go.
Mostly Ds, you are
You love to be in charge, which is no surprise, since you own your own club. You are very hardworking, and love to watch documentaries on the Squatch. You are also very sociable, and love to talk to people of all sorts. Eyewitnesses, too!

Thanks for taking the Quiz!