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The Bigfoot Food Pyramid!

Hello, Bigfoot fans! You're all amazing, can I just tell you that? You all have your hobbies, activities, personalities, and favorite foods. One of my favorite foods is pizza! Good old Italians. I mean, who doesn't like pizza? Which leads us to my Bigfoot lesson for today! Bigfoots eat, but what do they eat? I'll tell you!

For protein, some foods Bigfoots eat are deer, pig, elk, even cow! I think eggs is the only dairy food Bigfoot eats. For grains, I could only come up with bird seed. Yes, birdseed! Bigfoots will steal birdseed, dog food, even cat food from bird feeders or food dishes left outside on porches, decks, in sheds, or just the old family doghouse! Some fruits Bigfoots eat are apples, blueberries, and mangos. Beans, corn, and roots are only some of the vegetables Bigfoots eat. And the only sugar Bigfoot eats is candy bars, but Bigfoots will also go through garbage cans from time to time.

All these Bigfoot foods can be used in different things, like bait techniques! I think this information will come in handy for you. Until next time, happy eating, bigfooters!

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