James Fay AKA "Bobo"
Hi everybody! Kayleigh here with another blog post about... drumroll please... The "Finding Bigfoot" team cast members!!! Today's blog post is about James Fay, also known more as Bobo, the loveable, food-loving, Bigfooty researcher and expert field caller of "Finding Bigfoot". Here is some things about his life:
* Born in Manhatten Beach, California
* Loves to surf
* Has loved Bigfoot as long as he can remember.
* Is the parent of a sweet dog named Monkey, who is also a skilled Bigfoot sniffer!
* Has the weirdest ideas of how to find Bigfoot!
* Saw his first squatch in 2001 with veteran Bigfoot researcher John Freitas
* Takes odd jobs to find out more information on the elusive creature!
* Is best friends with Cliff Barackman, Ranae Holland, and Matt Moneymaker
* Always does something with food in the "Finding Bigfoot: Behind the Scenes" episodes.
* Is as tall as a squatch- about six feet tall!
* Has said time and again that he and Bigfoot could be twins. And, he's not wrong! (:
I hope everybody liked this blog post about Bobo, and that you go to Animal Planet.com to find out more about him and the rest of the "Finding Bigfoot" crew!
Speaking of Finding Bigfoot, I have a link to a sneak peek of the new season, starting Thursday with a two hour season premiere! Here is the URL address:
Have a good day, everybody, and keep on being squatchy!!! (: (;