Matt Moneymaker the $$$$$ Maker!
Hi, bigfooters! Welcome back to Bigfoot Girl, the best Bigfoot website in the USA! Today I'm going to talk about Matt Moneymaker, another famous "Finding Bigfoot" team member, and the founder of the BFRO. But first, is everybody having a good leap day? This only comes about every four years, but what would happen if you were born on that day? Would you celebrate your birthday on Febuary 28th, or March 1st? Tell me in a message at the "Contact" page! Alright, to the post.
Matt Moneymaker was born in LA, and developed the Bigfoot obsession at age 11 while watching 1970s documentaries on the legend of Sasquatch and its history. His first track discovery occured in the Ventura County mountains in California.
After moving to the eastern side of Ohio in the early 1990s, Matt found out about sightings, encounters, and had his first sighting on a stakeout in a swampy wildlife refuge in southeast Kent in 1994.
Then, in 1995, Matt gathered up all the Bigfoot researchers, fans, and scientists he could find on the World Wide Web and formed the BFRO, AKA the Bigfoot Field Researchers Organazation. In 1996 he published the website for the BFRO, after the internet was created in 1983.
The first big expedition for the BFRO was in 2000 in Skookum Meadows, Washington, where they found a Bigfoot body engraved in rock called the Skookum Body Cast, which you can learn more about if you go to my "Evidence" page.
Matt also co-produced a few televison projects about the history of "Finding Bigfoot" on Animal Planet in 2011.
Matt has done many other wonderous things, and you can find out more about him if you go to Animal
In conclusion, I hope you guys liked the post, and I can now confirm after all Matt has done, he is a real $$$$$ maker. (: Bye!!!