Bigfoot Trivia!
In honor of my awesome teacher, John Brown, I'm going to do some Bigfoot trivia! In class, my teacher always asks us what he calls candy bar questions. Out of nowhere my teacher will ask a student a trivia question, and it might not have to do with the topic at all! If they get the question right, they get a giant hershey bar! This is for you, Mr. Brown! I've got ten trivia questions, and you'll find the answers at the bottom of this page. Test your Bigfoot skills and see how many you get right! Test your friends, parents, family, teachers! Test your smarts in the ultimate Bigfoot trivia showdown! LET THE GAMES BEGIN!!!
1. What is the most famous Bigfoot film in Sasquatch history?
2. What is the best Bigfoot show ever?
3. What does B.F.R.O stand for?
4. What are the three top states with the most Bigfoot sightings?
5. Who is said to be Bigfoot's ancestor?
6. What famous Bigfoot movie is about a family that adopts a Bigfoot?
7. What is the maximum height of a Bigfoot?
8. True or False: Daniel Boone shot and killed a Bigfoot.
9. What is Bigfoot famous for?
10. Who is the creator of Bigfoot Girl?

( I know that the horns take away the whole baby Yeti look, but it's so cute!)
1. The Patterson/Gimlin Film
2. If you didn't choose Finding Bigfoot, you're nuts!
3. Bigfoot Field Researchers Orginazation
4. Oregon, Washington, and California
5. Gigantopithecus Blacki
6. Harry and the Hendersons
7. 12 feet
8. True ( And, I'm NOT joking!)
9. Its big feet
10. Kayleigh (Me!)