Bigfoot Books- Who and Who not to Believe
If you're just an amateur squatcher, I can help you. Books! The magic word. Bigfoot books have tons of information on the creature. They have helped me a lot in the field. All libraries have them.
But, some Bigfoot books aren't made to have information for you. Oh, no. Those authors just made the books to show Bigfoot is just a big joke, with a big foot! Here are some things to help in searching for Bigfoot books (By the way, if you're a bigfooter who doesn't like reading, TOO BAD FOR YOU! Because either you learn to like books, or you can kiss that Bigfoot information good bye!):
* Is the cover "informational" like, or just a cover you can trust?
* Are the authors Bigfoot researchers?
* By reading some of the text, can you believe if the book is "bigfooty" or not?
Besides those questions, I'll help you out a bit more. Some authors of Bigfoot books I recommend are:
* Jeff Meldrum
* The Finding Bigfoot team from Animal Planet
* Joshua Blu Bluhs
* Lyle Blackburn
* Loren Coleman
Also, you don't just have to read books. Websites and blogs are good, too! But just remember: You don't have to know Bigfoot facts by heart like I do. Like when you learn math. You don't have to know it at the top of your head! You just need to learn it.
Jeff Meldrum (BELOW), a author of many Bigfoot books.