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ill Bigfoots

Bigfoots get sick, injured, and killed like we do. But, they can't be helped by doctors. That's why being a Bigfoot isn't always easy. Bigfoots have to watch out for hunters, barbed wire, and other obstacles to avoid getting hurt. What are some possibilities of harmful things Bigfoots much watch out for? Here are some:

* Barbed Wire- Bigfoots could get cut while trying to get over the fence.

* Hunters- People have shot Bigfoots because they were scared, or they just heard something in the woods and shot it.

* Illnesses- Bigfoots can get illnesses when born, or "catch" something from another Bigfoot. One example is a illness that makes a Bigfoot's hair fall out.

* Food- Bigfoots could eat something that is harmful to their system, therefore they could get ill. In other words, food posioning.

* Old Age- Bigfoots can live to be pretty old, but they will die at one point. It's just the circle of life.

* Teeth- Bigfoots' teeth can get harmed, like if they're smashed.

Be a Bigfoot doctor! Don't do anything to harm a Bigfoot.

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