My Cool Bigfoot Game!
Hello again, fellow squatchers! To you, to you. Today I thought we could play a fun game! If game is the word you want to use, that is. Today we will find out what kind of a Bigfoot you are! Your name, and your personality. Let's get started!
1. The first letter of your first name is the letter you must find below. Then, you read the word beside it. My name is Kayleigh, so I'll look for K. Here it is! K= Kooky. So, my Bigfoot personality is kooky!
A= Adventurous M= Magnificent
B= Beautiful N= Nervous
C= Courageous O= Optimistic
D= Down (sad) P= Perfect
E= Enthusiastic Q= Quite mannered
F= Fun R= Radiant
G= Great S= Super
H= Humble T= Terrific
I= Impact (a person who changes someone elses life.) U= Ugly
J= Jealous V= Villianous
K= Kooky W= Wacky
L= Loveable X= X-zactly (always right.)
Y= Yappy
Z= Zany
2. The letter of your last name is the letter you must find below. Then, you read the word beside it. Your last name can be on here, but you can still make up a name! I'll be..... The Bigfoot Goddess! So, my Bigfoot name is Bigfoot Goddess!
A= Arulataq M= Manaha
B= Bigfoot N= Nguoi Rung
C= Chuchunaa O= Orang-Pendek
D= Doolagahl P= ?
E= ? Q= ?
F= ? R= ?
G= the Gray King/Queen S= Sokqueatl
H= Hibagon T= Toonijuk
I= ? U= Ucumar
J= ? V= Valitri
K= Kapre W= Wood Devil
L= ? X= ?
Y= Yeti
Z= ?
3. Put together your Bigfoot personality and name, and you have your Bigfoot name! Mine is Kooky the Bigfoot Goddess! What's your name? Go to "Contact" and send it so I can find out! Woo! Go Bigfoot! I'd love to see your name.
Farewell, from.....
The Kooky Bigfoot Goddess!