Dear "Your #1 Fan",
People, exciting news! As some of you know, I wrote a blog post called "Questions For Me". If you read it, you would know that somebody sent me a question. This person put "Your #1 Fan" instead of a name! That person asked if Bigfoots are in England, and of course, I answered. I'm very pumped up, and I want to find out who my number one fan is! But how? "Your #1 Fan", if you're reading, I would like it if you would please send me another commment in the "Contact" link. Here is what I would suggest you answer for me, if you please!
* Where do you live (country, state, city, etc.)?
* What's your age?
* Male or female?
* Something interesting about you?
* Do you have any siblings?
Thanks! By the way, you don't have to answer if you choose not to. But, please, PLEASE KEEP IN TOUCH! I'm very curious of you! I never thought my website would have such a impact on you.... It's touching! I never even realized my website would be this good!