Questions for Me! #1
Folks, I apoligize for being late on my deadline. I was hoping for more people to send questions, but no one did. But, I still got questions! So, let's get started:
* This first question is from my mom:
What would you do if you saw Bigfoot?
Well, besides screaming, peeing my pants, fainting, and running in terror, I would also be kinda happy. I've studied Bigfoot for almost three years now, and I would have finally seen one! Also, I would know more of what he/she looks like. In addition, I could tell the Finding Bigfoot team of my encounter and maybe meet them. Finally, I would-of course!-post my encounter on Bigfoot Girl!
* My next two questions are from my sister, RacheI:
How old were you when you started to believe?
Why do you still watch Finding Bigfoot if you think it's scary?
First answer: I started bigfooting in January 2013, so for now it's been three years since I started becoming a bigfooter. I was nine when I started to believe, I'm twelve now.
Second answer: I still watch Finding Bigfoot for the fun of it. Finding Bigfoot is a great show, and I wouldn't know all this information without it. If I want to learn more about Bigfoot, I watch Finding Bigfoot! Besides, I think watching the show is better than reading a book on Sasquatch.
* My final question is from-SQUEEEEEE! My #1 fan!!!!! This person didn't put down their name, but put down "Your #1 fan":
Do they have Bigfoot in England?
I know Bigfoot is in the United Kingdom, not so sure about England. It's possible, though.
A man named Adam Bird believes Bigfoot, or known as the Green Man in the UK, is in England. Since an encounter at age fifteen when he went on a trip to Florida, he's been searching for the creature. He says he has new evidence that could prove he is right, including vocalisations taken from between 25/6/2014 and 27/6/2014. Could Bigfoot be in England? Maybe so, maybe not. But, I bet it is.
Thanks for reading questions for me, and I will do this again sometime! Byyyyyyeeeeeeeee!
P.S: Your #1 fan, I'm very excited that you're my number one fan! Please answer the following questions below, if you can:
1. Female or male?
2. Do you live in England, or somewhere else?
3. What's your real name?
4. What's your age?
5. How much do you like my website?
Yours bigfooty,
Kayleigh, founder