An Interview with my Father!
Today I'm going to interview the man behind the laptop, the funny bunny, I'm interviewing...... My dad. Say hi, Dad!
DAD: Hi.
ME: Do you believe in Bigfoot, yes or no?
DAD: The logical side of me says no. But there have been so many sightings over hundreds of years from so many different parts of the world... there has to be something to it. I don't see people reporting fairy or leprechaun sightings.
ME: Did you ever expect one of your daughters-or CHILDREN, for that matter-to become interested in Bigfoot?
DAD: It never really crossed my mind. But I think it's a fun topic to talk about.
ME: How did you become such a computer expert?
DAD: Just years and years of learning and being around a computer.
ME: Do you think Bigfoot Girl is cool?
DAD: Of course! It is the coolest Bigfoot website on the Web!
ME: Anything you would like to say to my readers?
DAD: Don't stop believing. Long live Sasquatch!
So, there you have it! My dad, the computer wiz! The co-creator of Bigfoot Girl, and the person who created ME! And the man who showed me Bigfoot! Not bad, Dad! We learned that my dad thinks something is up.... What IS up? Go to the "Contact" link and tell my dad what's going on! Is it Bigfoot? Or something else? We may never know........