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Thank You!

Hello, bigfooters! Today I'm going to take the time to thank all the people who not only made Bigfoot Girl possible, but who also made it more grand! The picture above shows my family in minifigure form, saying thank you to everyone! THANK YOU!!!!!

The first person I'm going to thank is my dad. As some of you might know, my dad created the website for me. Thank you, Dad! I love you, and I love your smart brain! I couldn't ask for a better father! Without you, my love of Bigfoot wouldn't exist! THANK YOU!!!!!

Next, I'm going to thank my mom. Mom, thanks for being there for me, making me, caring for me, and for incouraging my Bigfoot "career"! I love you more than Bigfoot itself!

Third, I'm going to thank two VERY special people: my brother and sister! Guys, I love you, even though you annoy me. Not only are you a part of my club the Bigfoot Believers Club, you guys love me so. You also make a joke about Bigfoot from time to time, which makes me laugh. Finally, keep being the loving, funny, caring, and BIGFOOTY siblings you are!

Fourth, I'd like to thank "Your #1 Fan." Seriously, WHOEVER you are, you are awesome! You made me think more confident thoughts, and things I NEVER thought would happen to my website! I never thought my website would be this popular, or that I would have a number one fan at all! Keep being who you are, and PLEASE WRITE ME ANOTHER MESSAGE!!! WHO ARE YOU?!?

Finally, I'd like to thank all my readers, fans, and family members. I'm glad you guys like my website! Hey, Bigfoot? Do YOU like my website? #SmilieFace!

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