Hello, people! Today I'm going to talk about the word cryptozoology. I know it's a mouthful, but stay with me. Here is the meaning of the word:
Cryptozoology- noun: The study of fantastic creatures that may or may NOT exist. Some examples are Bigfoot (OF COURSE!), Loch Ness, and Chupacabra.
Here are some of those creatures:
Loch Ness: A type of swimming dinosaur rumored to live in the depths of a lake in Scotland. (The lake of Loch Ness.)
Chupacabra: A heavy, spiky creature that is said to suck goat blood for food. Sighted in many places including northern Mexico. Name literally means "goat sucker."
Not all colleges, but a number of colleges in the world have cryptozoology as one of their subjects to study, so to say. I hope to go to school in one of those colleges. You'll get to study Sasquatch, Loch Ness, maybe even Aliens!
Why is this evidence? Well, if a creature like Loch Ness or the Chupacabra can be proven to live in this world, why not Bigfoot? Furthermore, new creatures that are very bizarre are discovered everyday all over the globe. So, it doesn't seem like Bigfoots don't exist. Or, that it would be weird if they did.
STUDY CRYPTOZOOLOGY!!! That is all I am asking of you.