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Questions For Me Intro. #2

Hello, bigfooters! How are you? Good, good. Now, remember my older blog post, "Questions For Me"? Well, I'm doing that again! YAY!

As some of you already know, when I do a "Questions For Me" blog post, it's when the readers of my website get to go to the "Contact" page of my website and send me questions, with a deadline. This deadline, you will have until Tuesday, June 1st to send your questions to me. I always answer truthfully, even if the questions are kooky. But, don't go too private into my private life! Since last time I did this I only got four questions, I'll do ten questions for my limit once again. So, send soon! But, unlike last time, I will just name my fab question, but not my FAIL. I don't want to hurt anybody's feelings!

What are you waiting for? Get to the "Contact" page, and send your questions NOW! And, on June 2nd, you will get to read my second "Questions For Me" blog post!

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