Hi, everybody! Sorry about not posting for the past two weeks. But, my illness is getting worse again and I haven't felt well enough to post. Let me update you on some things:
First off, let me tell you, the Finding Bigfoot two hour season premiere was great! My dad ordered us pizza for dinner from Liverpool Pizzareia and him, my brother, my sister and I watched it while eating. I think it's one of the best shows the F.B. team has done, like, out of all of them! Nice work, you guys!
Second, I'm sorry about the "Questions For Me" blog post. But guess what? I GOT NO QUESTIONS! I gave everybody a week to send in questions, and what do I get? A long walk to the keyboard, upset because this smiley face, isn't happy no more: ): I gave you guys a week's notice to send questions! You guys really burst my bubble. My very big Bigfoot-sized bubble that expected quality questions. To sum it all up, I'm not sure if I'm going to do "Questions For Me" blog posts anymore.
Third, I hope you all had a good Memorial Day.
Thanks for reading, fellow Bigfoot fans. I'll try to post when I can, when I'm not feeling bad. Bye!

A Bigfoot captured on camera on Memorial Day (ABOVE). Freaky cool! (: