An Interview with my Mother!
Hello, Bigfoot lovers! Today I'm going to interview someone I love VERY MUCH. My mom! Say hi, Mom!
MOM: Hi.
ME: Alright! Let's begin. Do you believe in Bigfoot, yes or no?
MOM: No- but I believe Bigfoot once existed.
ME: Fair enough! Now, did you ever expect one of your daughters-or CHILDREN, for that matter- to become interested in Bigfoot?
MOM: No.
ME: Do you think Bigfoot Girl is cool?
MOM: Yes, it is amazing what you have done.
ME: Thanks! Now, if you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?
MOM: On an island somewhere with just our family.
ME: How sweet! Finally, is there anything you would like to say to my readers?
MOM: Follow your heart!
ME: Great motherly advice, personally straight from my mom! Well, there you have it, Bigfoot fans. Tune in next time for my next- and possibly final interview with- MY SISTER! BYE!!!

A mama Bigfoot (ABOVE) and her baby picking apples at a apple tree in Vermont, near the Adirondacks.