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"Bigfoot!" Research Paper Part 1

Hello, everyone! Sorry about not posting for two weeks. Viruses, summer plans, and ill can really mess up doing a website! Also, GASP! Not wanting to do my website! You probably can't believe it, right?! Neither can! Well, now that I'm here...

Back in sixth grade, we had to do a research paper for the end of the year. We got to choose any topic we wanted, from a list. Guess what I chose? Bigfoot, of course! DUH! :-) Naturally, I did an amazing job, since you have seen my writings. I got a good grade, AND something to show you on my website! I hope you enjoy my "Bigfoot" research paper!



What comes to mind when you hear the word Bigfoot? Monster? Ape? Alien? Ghost? Unknown hominid? What is it?! Many people (including me!) have asked this question! It is said to be one of the biggest mysteries in the world!

Whether it's the Yeti of Nepal or the Sasquatch of the United States, Bigfoot-like creatures have been sighted all over the world, in places including China, the Prince of Wales Island in Alaska, and the Amazon Jungle of Brazil. Many people say Bigfoot is a real species, while others say Bigfoot is just a myth, a story, a legend, or a guy in a gorilla suit. While this interesting creature has not been proven to be a real species, people like me still want to study them, write about them, and try to prove their existence. Which brings me to introduce you to the facts, stories, history, culture, and the truth of Bigfoot.

Compelling, huh? Well, sorry! That's enough for today. The point of me stopping right now is so the suspense is built! YOU'LL BE WAITING ALL NIGHT UNTIL I POST!!!!! PEACE, SQUATCHERS!!!!!

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