Tom Burnette and Rob Riggs: The Authors of the Book, "Bigfoot"
This blog post is about two great men, one named Tom Burnette, and one named Rob Riggs. These two fellows are the authors of the book, "Bigfoot". Here is the summary:
Join investagators Tom Burnette and Rob Riggs on their amazing adventure intot the wild where the mysterious Bigfoot dwells. Over the past twenty years, these two men have dedicated themselves to the search for Bigfoot in the Smoky Mountains of North Carolina and the swamplands of the Big Thicket in Southeast Texas.
Drawing on forty plus years of combined field study, Tom and Rob present their personal stories, ethnographic research, and educated theories surrounding Bigfoot. Revealing a substantial collection of evidence supporting Bigfoot's existence, this book provides details of the creature's history, habitats, and behaviors. With thought-provoking discussions on Bigfoot's elusiveness and potential psyhic powers, Bigfoot goes beyond the myth to the reality of this enigmatic ape-man.
Catchy, huh? While I was in the hospital in May, my teacher came to visit me, and gave me two Bigfoot books! "Bigfoot" is one of them. Once I got home, I read the book, and instantly loved it!
Order the book "Bigfoot" now. Exploring the myth and discovering the truth!(:
If you wish to order the book, go to this webaddress: