Final $1,000,000 Bigfoot Hoax Post! Find Out the Inside Story of the Patterson/ Gimlin Film!
Last blog post on Bob Shelley's book! Let's find out the inside story! Bring on the last paragraph! (:
But the story doesn't end here. For even more of this incredible tale, we recommend Greg Long's 475-page book, "The Making of Bigfoot, The Inside Story", (How ironic!
"Inside Story"!) available on Long's, of Mill Creek Washington, has a treasure trove of fascinating stories about the Pacific Northwest and in his book, he reveals the names of everyone involved in the hoax, including the confession of the man who was in the Bigfoot costume when it was filmed by Paterson (Wait. Rewind! But the text states that Paterson never actually admitted that he made the hoax. So, Greg Long's book wouldn't say everyone's names involved in the so called "hoax".), and a behind the scenes description of how it all came together to create one of the greatest hoaxes in history. (IT IS NOT A HOAX, FOR THE LAST TIME!!! The End.)
So, you're probably wondering what I think of the book. Well, I don't really know what to think! I mean, I've always had strong feelings for Bigfoots, but it doesn't mean I know they're real. This book has some pretty supicious text, but not all of it is strange. I mean, it took me, like, four blog posts to finish it! And, THAT WAS ONLY ONE CHAPTER!!!!!
Both sides of the story have tons of evidence, but I guess it comes down to which side you choose. Hoax or Real? Since Roger Patterson passed away, I can't ask him if truthfully, he was part of a Bigfoot hoax. Unless I contacted his grave, that is. Which, I'm not doing.
In conclusion, check out the extras I added to the book to show it's a fake, and also go to the "Contact" link and send me an email! Tell me which side you're on, Hoax or Real Bigfoot, and tell me the reason why you think that.
Even though the Patterson/Gimlin film could be a hoax, I still know one thing... Bigfoot is out there! (;
Bigfooty yours,

Bob Gimlin (ABOVE)

And his best friend and man behind the camera, Roger Patterson.