Happy National Sasquatch Awareness Day! (Yeah, it passed, but still.)
Hello, bigfooters and Bigfoot Girl fans! How was your National Sasquatch Awareness Day? Mine was OK. I got to do my Bigfoot Journals a little bit, but homework yesterday night was bizzarely busy! Also, pretty bummed that Finding Bigfoot hasn't said anything about a new season. I want to see the Finding Bigfoot gang again! Next to the 1960s Batman series, that is my favorite show of all time! Seriously! But, I still watch channels like Disney or Food Network like a normal person.(:
So, I hope you enjoyed your National Sasquatch Awareness Day, and at the Contact link, tell me what you did yesterday! Whether school stuff, or just Bigfoot, it doesn't matter! I love hearing from my fans!
Next time I'm going to talk a bit about my science class with my awesome teacher. I'm keeping it a surprise, but here's a hint: The best is yet to come!