An Interview with my Science Teacher, Mr. Christopher!
Hey hey, bigfooters! Today I'm going to interview my Liverpool Middle School science teacher, and wise man, Mr. Christopher! Say hi, Mr. Christopher!
ME: Thanks for letting me interview you, Mr. Christopher! Now, do you believe in Bigfoot, yes or no?
MR. CHRISTOPHER: I don't have a straight yes or no answer to this question. The fossil record shows that as little as 15,000 years ago there were many large land mammals in North America (Mammoth, giant sloth, saber-tooth cats, etc.) that have since gone extinct. There are certainly many large, relatively unexplored stretches of forest in North America. To me, the idea of a large, undiscovered, (or at least undocumented by science) land mammal in North America today seems pretty unlikely. However, as a scientist, I won't rule out the possibility without some supporting evidence. It sure would be cool if they did exist!
ME: I know a large, undiscovered, land mammal in North America today does sound like bogus, but trust me, it isn't! On to the second question, setting that aside: Did you ever expect one of your female students- or MALE ones, for that matter- to become interested in Bigfoot?
MR. CHRISTOPHER: Sure, lots of people are interested in the legend.
ME: Do you think Bigfoot Girl is cool?
MR. CHRISTOPHER: I haven't visited the site, but it seems like a cool idea.
ME: Thanks! And last but not least, as a science teacher with great words of wisdom which you literally made up and posted on the walls of the classroom, is there any advice you have for my viewers?
MR. CHRISTOPHER: Rely on direct evidence or a lot of indirect evidence when you're deciding what to believe.
ME: Thanks for a great interview, Mr. Christopher! Well, there you have it, folks! A scientific teacher being asked about the mysterious Sasquatch! Thanks again for reading! Bye!!!!!