Hotel Transylvania!
Hey hey, bigfooters and monsters of all kinds! Time for another spooky story for the Sasquatch BOOtacular! Our tall- VERY tall tale takes us to Hotel Transylvania, with Dracula, and all of his pals! In the very first movie, I'm sure you saw all of the cool monsters staying at the hotel. The Mummy, Wolfie and his family that consists of a wife and like, a hundred kids! But, one monster you see once or twice in the movie is Bigfoot.
One time that Bigfoot shows up in the movie is when he alerts Drac that he has a clogged toilet in his room, because of a very big bellyache. But, a few things in this scene about the real Bigfoot are wrong.
For one thing, Bigfoot is not so tall you can't see all of him on your T.V. or kindle, or IPod screen. Even though the creature is a big one with very big feet, Bigfoots can only grow up to 12 feet tall, maybe a few inches higher, at the most.
Another thing, Bigfoots don't have toilets, sadly. They only have the open wilderness, pretty much, as their toilet. Watch where you step! (:
Finally, from what we can see of the Bigfoot, he looks more like a Yeti, with the white fur. Though, rarely, Bigfoots can be white!
But, otherwise, this is like a real Bigfoot! But, what is different about the movie isn't that important... That character is very unique, and before I really knew what Bigfoots were, that's what I thought they were! Funny, right?!
So, I hope you enjoyed this Sasquatch BOOtacular blog post, and that you go to see Hotel Transylvania 2, only in theaters right now! Buh bye, bigfooters! Go see that movie, and don't get squashed by a giant foot! (;