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The Legend of Square Foot: A Bigfooty Lego Story

Boo, bigfooters! I'm glad you could make it to the start of my Sasquatch BOOtacular! Before Halloween is here, I will try to fit in blog posts about monsters, ghouls, and Bigfoots. OH MY! Today's first story is about Square Foot, a Lego Bigfoot who isn't that elusive, unless a child chooses him to be. The story starts on "" at the Minifigure section......

Square Foot

"Aw, c'mon. Just hold still for a second!"

Legend holds that a rare and reclusive creature called the Square Foot dwells deep within the woods. Actually, the legend is only half-right. The shaggy Square Foot does spend a lot of time out in the wilderness, but that's because he's an avid amateur nature photographer who's always looking for his next great shot.

Somehow, though, all of his photos end up coming out blurry. Maybe it's because hikers and campers keep spotting his square-shaped footprints and making a big fuss about them. Maybe it's because he needs to buy a new camera. Or maybe it's because he always puts his hand in front of the lens. It's definitely one hairy situation!

Oooh, scary! I mean, was that a good story, or what?! Bigfoot+legos= Great Halloween tale! You can encounter this nature photographer at stores all around New York and lots of stores, including Walmart, Toys "R" Us, Target, and Five Below! That's all for the start of the Sasquatch BOOtacular! See you soon, bigfooters! BOO!, and bye for now!!!!! (;

Also, for some BBF (Best Bigfoots Forever) action, also buy the super cool Yeti minifigure, that comes with a blue popsicle! That guy will have a blog post soon!

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