OMG! You're A Bigfoot!
For Halloween, that is! Boo to you, bigfooters, and welcome to another one of my Sasquatch BOOtacular blog posts! Tomorrow, as some of you well know, is Halloween! So, lots of preparing tomorrow, so I might not be able to do another blog post before the day is over. But, you never know! Now, today, we're going to talk about the different Bigfoot Halloween costumes people have, and use to dress up for Halloween!
California Costume Collections 01012std Big Foot Adult Costume
Store: Grab Cart
Size: OS (whatever that means!)
Cost: $74.25 +$12.69 shipping, no tax
Five Star Rating: Didn't Have One!

Seasons 219722 big foot adult costume
Size: OS
Cost: $64.43 +$10.24 shipping, no tax
Five Star Rating: 4 1/2

Adult Abominable Snowman
Store: Halloween
Size: Didn't Show It
Cost: $79.99 +$4.99 shipping, no tax
Five Star Rating: 4

Abominable Snowman Costume
Store: Halloween
Size: XS (Extra Small)
Cost: $44.99 +$4.99 shipping, no tax
Five Star Rating: 4 1/2

Sasquatch Bigfoot Costume Mascot
Store: Costumes
Size: Didn't Show It, but looks like a kid size
Cost: $982.44 +free shipping, no tax

Info. From:
Well, bigfooters, I hope you enjoyed this blog post, and that you found a good Bigfoot costume for Halloween! And if I can't post tomorrow, send me a message in the "Contact" link, and tell me about your Halloween! Have a Happy Halloween, bigfooters! (: