Happy Halloween, Bigfooters!
The day has come! After exactly six Sasquatch BOOtacular blog posts including today, it is finally Halloween! Treats and tricks galore, the best costumes of all! Staying up late past your bedtime! It is all so amazing! Halloween, is, like, the best holiday ever, next to Christmas, Easter, and Thanksgiving, which all includes staying up past your bedtime, and getting treats! Well, that's how it is in my household, anyway.
So, this is how my family and I prepared for Halloween!
My Family's Plan For Halloween
~Yesterday, my mom and I made milk chocolate Halloween shaped pops, so I am able to eat candy on Halloween, and after.
~For costumes, my brother bought his as Party City, my sister made hers, and I made my costume as well. It was so awesome, that at my Halloween dance at school, for prizes for costumes, I won a pack of Mike & Ikes for Best Homemade! Also, my brother is Robin Hood, my sister is Che Che from Teen Beach 2, and I'm Robin from the 1960s "Batman" televison series! Holy Halloween Costume, Batman! (;
~Since you're out trick-or-treating, at my house you usually get to stay up until at least 10:00 PM.
So, yeah! It's all fun and games during Halloween! Well, at least it's that way everywhere, but I'm not one to judge.
So, I hope everybody has a very Happy Halloween, and that you enjoyed my Sasquatch BOOtacular! To end the night, here's a link to one of my favorite Halloween songs, "Calling All The Monsters" from Disney's Ant Farm. Bye!!!!! (:

(ABOVE) Burt Ward who played Robin in the 1960s "Batman" (right), and Adam West as Batman in that same show (left), today.