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Got Chupacabra?

Hi, bigfooters! Today, I'm going to talk about the Chupacabra of Mexico! And, other Spanish countries and cities.

Here's some facts on the Chupacabra:


*Chupar means, "suck", and cabra means, "goat" in Spanish. So, English translation? Chupacabra pretty much means "goatsucker"! It's also no surprise that the creature is said to attack animals, mostly goats.

*Some of the Chupacabra's homes are Latin America, Puerto Rico, and Mexico!

*Chupacabras are said to be like our Bigfoot in North America.

*Near 2010, the mentioning of this creature grew rapidly!

*The animal's meal is said to be of attacking and drinking the blood of livestock, mostly goats.

So, pretty interesting, right? The Mexican Bigfoot... A Chupacabra! Now, Bigfoot and Yetis I believe in, but I'm not so sure about Chupacabras! But, I'm open to things like that. Also, if you're wondering how this topic came in mind, I thought of my Spanish teacher!... And Scooby-Doo and the Monster of Mexico, of course. Hee! By the way, totally recommend the movie!

In conclusion, I hope you enjoyed this blog post about other cryptids besides Bigfoot, and that if you believe in Bigfoot, send me a message in the "Contact" link about how you believe in this Mexican creature AND Bigfoot! Until next time...... Adios, amigos! (:

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