Hide and Go Find Bigfoot!
Games, games, GAMES!!!!! This word makes kids (and Bigfoots) everywhere be HAPPY!!!!! The birds are chirping, the flowers have bloomed! AND..... THE BIGFOOTS HAVE GONE OUT TO PLAY!
It is a known fact that Bigfoots are part ape, part human. So, Bigfoots have character traits of humans! One character trait is that both Bigfoots and humans like to play games! No joke!
Here are some of the games Bigfoots play:
Bigfoot is the hide and go seek champion. He/she has been hiding in the woods for years, and no one has ben able to find them. HA! (:
Similar to "Simon Says", this game is played with Bigfoots AND humans! One encounter states that a Bigfoot looked through a window of a house, and did whatever the human did. Another name for this game is Copy Comrade!
Bigfoots will fight each other for fun, like me and my brother (Not arguing, but doing stuff like punching. NO SISSY FIGHTS!!!). Minus the ring, and the roaring crowd. Just the open land as their ring, and major strength to use!
There are more games I can name, but that's all for today! Try doing these games, Bigfoot style! Test your skills! GO WILD@ BIGFOOT GIRL! (: