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My Bigfoot Journals! (:

Hello, bigfooters! Today I'm going to do something a cousin of my dad's suggested who has a name that starts with a R (*wink, wink, hint, hint,*)... My Bigfoot Journals!

Now, many of you have heard a thing or two about my Bigfoot journals, that I started them so people could believe in Bigfoot, and my info. comes from books, comics, the "Finding Bigfoot" T.V. show, people who have had encounters, etc. So, that cousin of my dad's thought that every so often, I could post some pages from my journals on my website! Good idea, right? So, that's what I'm doing!

We're going to start with my first Bigfoot journal entitled, "Finding Bigfoot Notes." Here's the first chapter! (:

Adirondacks and Vermont- Chapter 1- Page 1-4

Bigfoots may live in the Adirondacks and Vermont. True or False?

True False

Over the years, Vermont has had articles about Bigfoot, a big and hairy creature

A man named Frank has an apple tree in Vermont and has been losing tons of apples mysteriously, so he put up a camera and saw a photo of what looks like a mama Bigfoot grabbing apples, while holding a baby Bigfoot in her arm.

Bigfoots often live in a place with lots of trees, animals, and water.

Bigfoots will hit rocks or trees with sticks together to talk to each other, or they cross trees to make a X shape.

A man was driving along the road, and saw a big, hairy creature along the side of the road. It looked at the man, then went back into the forest.

A Bigfoot can be up to 6-12 feet tall when adult, but when a kid, it's shorter. Or, like humans, Bigfoot adults can be short.

Thanks for reading the first chapter of my first Bigfoot journal! Until next time, squatchers... (;

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