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Hello, bigfooters! Today I'm going to talk about the holiday that has football, turkey, and pilgrims! Yes, people, I'm talking about Thanksgiving!

But, first off, I just want to say, that if you have braces, DO NOT eat gingerbread almond bistoctti that your mom just brought home from the grocery store. I might not have had any of those yummies, but I'm not taking chances! If I hurt and can barely eat an apple slice, how am I supposed to eat stale as expired bread Italian cookies?! Even though they're probably yummy! (:

Anyway, to the topic of Thanksgiving! I mean, who doesn't love this time of year? Fall is here and soon snowflakes fall, and the airs are cold, and you can taste that hot cocoa now... And the glee of waking up Christmas morning and opening gifts and smelling cinnamon buns! But Thanksgiving is great for a lot of reasons!

1. FAMILY! We get to play, talk, and make memories with our loved ones on Thanksgiving, and watch that football game!

2. FOOD! The turkey, mashed potatoes, desserts and sparkiling juice! YUM!

3. FUN! Watching the annual football game(s), playing games like Monoply with your family even if your dad is way too competitive so your mother won't play with him, eating pumpkin pie contest! And no, we don't do that at my house. But, if we did, my dad would so win! (:

So basically, Thanksgiving is all about the three Fs. Family, Food, and Fun. But, deep down, the most important thing about THANKSgiving (hint, hint, winka winka) is to give thanks to your family and friends for all they do for you!

THANKS for reading, and I hope you enjoyed this blog post! Also, just a reminder, Thanksgiving is Thursday, so I might not post that day. But, I will update you on how it went after that. Bye, bigfooters! Don't forget to thank your family and friends! (: (;

I think the message is really sweet, but who has popcorn on Thanksgiving?! WOODSTOCK!!!!!!

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