Two Amazing Awesomely Cool Things!
Hey, bigfooters! First off, how is your break going? Mine is going great! Here is two amzing, awesomely, cool things that have happened in the past three days! (NOT including today!)
Amazing, awesome, cool thing number one! On Tuesday, I went to my best friend's birthday party at 5 Wits in the Great Northern Mall! It was super fun! We went in the Space wit, and it was super fun but a little creepy! I also met about 7 girls from my best friend's school, who are now my best friends, and I am now a part of a fake family of friends! They told me I'm officialy their second oldest, and adopted child! WOO HOO!!! (; We also got to eat three different types of cookies (sugar, chocolate chip, and double chocolate!), pizza, vanilla/chocolate cake with custard filling and vanilla frosting, and a large assorment of drinks, including my personal favorite, apple juice! My best friend's gift was also a frame with a picture of the two of us in kindergarten, and a gift card to Barnes and Noble! IT WAS SO AMAZING!!!!!!
Amazing, awesome, cool thing number two! How was everyone's Thanksgiving? Mine was awesome sauce! First off, dinner was yummy fest! Fireworks of taste were exploding in my mouth! Mashed potatoes so creamy, turkey + applesauce= weird but delicious combination, peas and carrots with butter, homemade rolls, and chocolate chip cookies! OH SO GOOD MY FACE IS ALL LIKE, "WHAT, HOW IS THIS SO GOOD?!" Also, the old football game was OK, but I loved how Sabrina Carpenter from one of my favorite shows, "Girl Meets World" sang the national anthem! Also, my siblings and I started watching the hilarious movie, "Free Birds", with two turkeys who go back in time in a giant egg time machine to the first Thanksgiving and try to get turkeys off the menu forever! Totally recommend it, as far as holiday movies go.
Well, bigfooters, I hope you enjoyed this blog post of Fall Break fun, and that the rest of your break is spenditallydumptious! Enjoy every minute of it, and bye for now!