An Interview with one of my Viewers!
Hello, bigfooters! Today I'm going to write an interview from... One of my viewers! Also, one of my best friends! Her name is Ilyssa Hollenbeck, and she overheard me one day talking about my website to my gym teacher, so she went on, and loved it! And, not that long ago, she asked me to interview her for my website! Of course, being the nice person I am, I agreed. So, here is Ilyssa! Hi, Ilyssa!
ME: Hey! Do you believe in Bigfoot, yes or no?
ILYSSA: I do not believe in Bigfoot because they have never found one, and confirmed it was one of them. I also believe that if a species is around for a while there wouldn't be any question on if it was actually still alive. Or ever was! I do think though it would be cool if we could still answer the old legend question of reality.
ME: Very good, Ilyssa! Now, did you ever expect one of your girlfriends-or just FRIENDS, for that matter- to become interested in Bigfoot?
ILYSSA: I expected some kids at our school to believe in Bigfoot, but not as much as you do.
ME: Thank you! Since you asked me to interview you, do you think Bigfoot Girl is cool?
ILYSSA: Totally!
ME: Also, what is your favorite subject at school?
ILYSSA: Social Studies, science, band, chorus, and art when it starts.
ME: I love chorus and art, too! Finally, is there anythingyou would like to say to my readers?
ILYSSA: Stay cool, real, and keep being yourself! Thanks!
ME: Thank you, Ilyssa, for a great interview! Wasn't that great, bigfooters? For extra fun, you can also check Ilyssa out at her YouTube channel at Ilyssa Hollenbeck. Bye, bigfooters! (: