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Happy Birthday to Kayleigh!

Hi, bigfooters! Guess what?! Today is my 13th birthday!!! At 11:45 PM tonight, I'll be a teenager! SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Besides being able to watch rated PG-13 movies within reason and getting more responsibility (also within reason), just the fact you're a teen is mainly what it's all about. It's, like, the next step into adulthood!

I really love having my birthday around Christmas, but their are some Pros and Cons! Here's a list:

PROS Of Having A Birthday Near Christmas

*The cheer of it all is a great feeling, and the siblings that fight the most can finally make a truce. (Thanks, my wonderful ELA teacher!)

*CHRISTMAS COOKIES!!! Cake doesn't have to be the main dessert at a birthday party, does it? Nope! Just throw a candle on a cookie, and there! Happy Birthday!

*You can ask your family to put your gifts for your birthday under the Christmas tree, and open them like it's Christmas! An early glimpse of the holidays to come! (:

CONS Of Having A Birthday Near Christmas

*Birthday aprties with your friends can't really be near or on your actual birthday, since the holidays are always so busy! Bummer NOT in the summer! ):

*Less gifts! I mean, you're always thankful about it and all, but the one gift from your cousin might count as your birthday and Christmas gift!

So, here is what is going to happen at the party!

*The meal consists of sausage bread, the old Italian favorite, choclate cake with homade vanilla frosting, and cookie cake! YUM!!!

*My gifts are under the tree, and I can't wait to open them up!!! SQUEEE!!!

*My aunt and uncle are coming over to help celebrate with me, my parents, and the twins!

I hope you guys enjoyed this Chuchunna Christmas Celebration starring me- your fellow Bigfoot Girl and Birthday Girl! Have a good day, bigfooters, and just wait! Christmas is only five days away!!! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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