My Happy Holidays
Hi, bigfooters! Today I just want to say, that for the first day of winter being on the 21st and it being the 26th, i'm disappointed we didn't have a white Christmas, or snow at all in Syracuse! ):
First, I just wanted to apologize because I made a mistake on my birthday blog post: I was born at 11:35 PM, not :45. Glad I could clear that. So, in reality, I'm a teenager now!!!!! WOOOOOOOOOOO HOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anyway, my Christmas was great! I got a lot of good Bigfoot gifts, including a shirt that says Keep It Squatchy with a Bigfoot and its hand making a peace sign. Also, a Bigfoot magnet protraying the Beatles and their hit album, Abbey Road. I also got some awesome non-Bigfoot gifts, like... MY OWN CHROME BOOK!!! SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!! All the kids in my family have always wanted a computer of their own, but were never able to save money for that long to buy one. So, my parents and my aunt and uncle put their money together to buy each of the three kids (one being me) a chrome book! I'm typing this post on it right now!!! But, for anyone who celebrates Kwanza and not Christmas, happy Kwanza!
Also, sorry about the Chuchunna Christmas Celebration blog posts. I guess you can't do things like that as much around Christmas than you can Halloween. Sorry! But, New Year's is coming up, meaning a whole new year of Bigfoot Girl! Bye, bigfooters, and have a good day! I'll write soon on my new chrome book!!! (: