USA VS Canada: Which Country Holds More Bigfoots?; The Season Premiere of Finding Bigfoot Summary
Hi, bigfooters! Today I'm going to talk about the season premiere of "Finding Bigfoot". As some of you know, the episode was a split; Cliff and Matt went to Canada, and Bobo and Ranae went to Washington state. By the way, if you haven't seen it, you MUST! It was totally awesome! So, to see some of that episode, just go to Animal Alright, on with the post!
At the beggining of the episode, Cliff and the Bobes talked about an argument they were having (nothing bad, I guess just a disagreement) about whether Canada or the US has more Bigfoots. The solution? Have a 2 hour season premeire, of course! (: So, that's what the team did.
But, this wasn't just for bragging rights for whoever won. Oh, no. This was man style! If Bobo won, Cliff gave him a Bigfoot cast. And if Cliff won, Bobo would give him an autographed bat from a famous baseball player who loves Bigfoot. The bat even had a Bigfoot on it! So, this was the ultimate Bigfoot showdown!
So, I'm not going to talk about the whole show, but here is the summary: Points were given on how much evidence you got. Whenever a team recieved points, a cool Bigfoot graphic gave the points! In the end, drum roll please................................... The USA won!!!!!!! GO USAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOOOOOO HHHOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!! Sorry, Canada, but the evidence doesn't lie! In the end, Cliff gave Bobo his cast, and admitted that, "if I won and Bobo gave me the bat when I don't like sports that much I would have felt kinda bad!"
In conclusion, Bigfoots are more populated in the US, or at least Washington state. For more information on that, you can find the show's backround at again, Animal Bye for now bigfooters, and keep believing!
