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Cliff Barackman the Bigfoot Nerd!

Hi, bigfooters! Hope you guys enjoyed the Super Bowl XLVIII, I sure did! I don't know who won yet, I'm watching it right now. But, I don't follow sports much. My favorite parts are the yummy food, commercials (Doritos one is AWESOME!!!), and spending time yelling with my family! My favorite food is pigs in a blanket, and I love to yell with my family. Anyway....

Tonight I'm going to tell you about Cliff Barackman, the Bigfoot nerd, the evidence analyist for "Finding Bigfoot", and a foot geek of all sorts! The list can go on and on! He's a very talented guy!

Cliff Barackman was born and raised in Long Beach, California, and had many interests and hobbies. Music, science, feet, BIGFOOT. During college Cliff would read in the library about anything and everything, including Bigfoot. He suddenly realized that the creature could be real. So what did he do? Kept on researching!

Today, Cliff is on the show "Finding Bigfoot", starrs in his own movie, "Bigfoot Roadtrip", and enjoys to camp and squatch in his freetime. I'm hoping to meet him someday, for we are both Bigfoot nerds, and he is funny! He's one of my heroes, and a great one at that.

I hope you all enjoyed the blog post, and the Super Bowl! See you next time at my Bigfoot blog, bigfooters! Bye for now!!!

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