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Happy Valentine's Day!

Happy Valentine's Day, bigfooters! I hope everybody is having a good day, and that they are sharing valentines with their family and Sasquatch sweetheart! Here are some ways to make today more bigfooty:

* Make a Bigfoot card for that person, symbolizing how much you love them.

* Make Bigfoot foods, like chocolate covered bacon- but dye everything PINK!

* Send me a message on how everything is going at #SasquatchSweetheart and I'll send you a sweet saying back!

Have a great Sunday, people, and here is my card gift to you:

Hearts are red, your eyes could be blue (;

I'm happy to say, that I love you!

You make me smile everyday, the skeptics, too!

Thanks for checking out Bigfoot Girl, and a bye, see ya later,

Thanks for everything you do!

Happy Valentine's Day! BYEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!

All my love,


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