My Bigfoot Journals!#2: Idaho
Hola, bigfooters and friends! Hope everybody is having a good last day of vacation before going back to school. Today, I'm doing another chapter in my first Bigfoot journal! IDAHO! Enjoy!!!
Bigfoots may live in Idaho. True or false?
TRUE false
In the winter of 2011, some highschoolers were hiking up a mountain and doing some research and they accidentally videotaped what looks like a Bigfoot. The video was even on the news! When the creature went away, they hiked up to where the creature was and took a picture of what looks like a Bigfoot footprint.

An estimated Bigfoot foot (adult) can be 18-20 inches long, or a couple inches longer.
How you make a Bigfoot howl, is you cup your hands around your mouth and scream and slowly tilt your head up.
A female Bigfoot howl sounds like a woman screaming.
A man thought his dog saw a Bigfoot in 2010. They were camping and the dog was outside and the boy was in the tent, and all of a sudden, the dog runs in. The tent was getting crouched down on top and the man said, "If you bark or whine, we're lunch."
A man went out to get a load of wood, and turned around to see a Bigfoot was standing 8-10 feet away from him. He was just standing there (the Bigfoot), and it scared the heck out of the man, and he wanted to leave.
A teenager and some of his friends were swimming, and they smelled a funky odor and out steps this thing, and it was 8 or 9 feet tall with some smashed teeth! The friends got the **** there!
There was a group of people who came up onto an old road, and there stood a river. The people thought it was a beaver at first, but as theygot closer the figure stood up and ran off. The creature was 4 feet tall.
The Sawtooth mountain area is where most Bigfoot sightings have been located in Idaho.
Some Bigfoot chests can be 3 feet wide.
A Bigfoot can escape a human by going into rivers, lakes, or streams, which a human wouldn't bother going into to follow.
Dr. Jeff Meldrum is a person who studies animals on two legs, in this case, Bigfoots! He has many footprint casts in hardened plaster that could be proof of Bigfoot!
If you want to find a Bigfoot, let it come to you! Just put lots of lights in the trees at night, and they will soon become curious, and check it out!
Which state houses the world's largest trap built to capture a Bigfoot?
ANSWER: Oregon
Thanks for reading! Hope everybody has a good rest of the day! Also, what is your opinion on my ideas for Halloween? Making a homemade Batgirl costume, or Raven costume? Send me a message at the Contact link and tell me what you think! BYEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!