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Is Chewbacca A Bigfoot?; "The Force Awakens" New Star Wars Movie!

Hola, bigfooters! Today I'm going to talk about two things: Chewbacca, and the new Star Wars movie, "The Force Awakens", coming this year in theatres!

So, first off, today we're going to talk about the loveable Chewbacca! Now, most people who love Star Wars, sometimes ask the question, "Is Chewbacca a Bigfoot?" Well, I'm putting that rumor to rest! Chewbacca isn't a Bigfoot! Sorry to burst your bubble, guys! But, it's true!

Right now, so you understand better, I'm going to make a list of all the similarities and differences of Chewbacca, and Bigfoots!

#1. Similarities!


*Really tall

*VERY hairy!

*Makes non-human noises

*Doesn't lay eggs! (;

*Eats really weird food


*Can be up to 12 feet tall

*Hair all over!

*Doesn't talk in English... Or Spanish!

*Makes off-spring like we do

*Eats twigs and bugs! YUCK!!!

(I believe there's more, but I can't think of it!)

#2. Differences!


*Has a crossbow and arrows for a weapon!

*Lives in the Millenium Falcon with Han Solo!

*Is closely related to the little and adorable Ewoks! Which, by the way, aren't Bigfoots either! LOL! #I Love Ewoks! (That was my brother... He's crazy for Ewoks!)

*Actually exists in his world of Star Wars!


*Uses grunts, sticks, and rocks for weapons.

*Lives in North America, and other places in the world, including Brazil, New York, and Nepal!

*Is cousins with Yetis, Orang Pendeks, and other bigfooty creatures!

*Opinions with Bigfoot are very different: They're real, they're not.

So, I hope you now know the difference between a Bigfoot, and Chewbacca! Now, onto "The Force Awakens"!

This movie is a continuation of the last Star Wars movie, and it's in the future without Darth Vader... But is all of the Dark Side gone? It features all of the original actors from the old movies, including Harrison Ford as Han Solo, Mark Hamill as Luke Skywalker, Carrie Fisher as Princess Leia, Peter Mayhew as Chewbacca, and much more! I'm really excited about it, and I hope to see the movie when it comes out in December! Lots of new characters are added, the old actors are back, and Star Wars fans will be head over heels for this!

I really hope you enjoyed this blog post, and that you go and see the new Star Wars movie, "The Force Awakens"! Bye, bigfooters, and may the force be with you!

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