Judy Moody and the Not-Bummer Summer "So You Want to Catch Bigfoot?" Book Review
Hi bigfooters! Today I'm going to talk about the movie Judy Moody and the Not-Bummer Summer, but first, I hope everybody's Easter was...

Bigfoots and Giants; Specifically Hagrid Similarities and Differences To Squatch
Hello, bigfooters! I hope everybody is having a great day, and that everyone is exicted that Easter is coming up! An Easter blog post...

Cigarettes: How Do They Affect Bigfoots?
Hi, bigfooters! As some of you may know, I'm in middle school now, and that means I take Health class! So in Health today my class...

Bigfoot + Beef Jerky + Views= Commercial of Awesomeness!
YAY!!!!!!!!! I just got an awesome idea for a blog post on my own! WOO HOO!!!! Alright, bigfooters, today's blog post is about the...

"Bunk'd" and the Kikiwaka!
Hi, bigfooters! Today I'm going to talk about a show on Disney Channel, called "Bunk'd"! "Bunk'd" is a show about the Ross kids Emma,...

Is Chewbacca A Bigfoot?; "The Force Awakens" New Star Wars Movie!
Hola, bigfooters! Today I'm going to talk about two things: Chewbacca, and the new Star Wars movie, "The Force Awakens", coming this year...