"Bunk'd" and the Kikiwaka!
Hi, bigfooters! Today I'm going to talk about a show on Disney Channel, called "Bunk'd"!
"Bunk'd" is a show about the Ross kids Emma, Ravi, and Zuri going to summer camp at Camp Kikiwaka! (Luke couldn't go... He had summer school!) They meet new friends like
Horhay, and much more! But one of the main reasons why I'm telling you about the show is because the show features a closely related creature to Bigfoot... The Kikiwaka!
So far in the show, the Kikiwaka has only been seen about three times. Mostly in the recent episode when Ravi and his new friend Tiffany (played by Nina Lu) try to find evidence of the Kikiwaka after having a close encounter with it in the episode before that. They would have gotten a recording, only the camera was in selfie mode. Rookie mistake!
But, what the audience and Ravi and Tiffany can see of the Kikiwaka is a large, smelly, hairy, and scary creature. Just like Bigfoot! BTW, totally check out the show! It's funny, it has Kikiwakas, and if you liked the "Jessie" TV show, you'll love this even more!
Thanks for stoping by and reading about the Kikiwaka, and the show "Bunk'd"! Now, if you want to get a sneak peek, here is the theme song URL:
Bye!!! Happy December! (: