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Bigfoot + Beef Jerky + Views= Commercial of Awesomeness!

YAY!!!!!!!!! I just got an awesome idea for a blog post on my own! WOO HOO!!!! Alright, bigfooters, today's blog post is about the awesome and funny Bigfoot Beef Jerky commercials.

Some of you might know what Jack Links is... And no, this is not a person!!! Jack Links is a beef jerky company that has ads containing Sasquatch. Specifically, "Messin' With Sasquatch" Beef Jerky funnies! Since Bigfoot eats pig and cow, I guess that's why they started doing Bigfoot in the ads. Or, maybe it's because their slogan is, "Feed your wild side!" You'll understand it more if you watch the ads. So, here is the link below to five of these squatchy funnies:

Enjoy, and I'll see you next time at the Bigfoot Blog!!! BYE!!!!!!!!! (:


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